maaaaaaaaaan. i wish i could video tape my life here sometimes!
last night we took Freda to get her hair washed. can you tell we really love doing that? well freda told us shes never done this before.. so DUH we had to take her!
now. this guy. this guy i DID get on video. but only a few seconds, and of course blogger wont let me put it up. this guy was a crack up. for some reason he really enjoyed saying "mahn-dee i love yew" "mahn-dee i miss yew". i guess those are the only english things he knows how to say. but for some reason throughout the night he started calling me jenny? and no matter how many times i corrected him he kept saying it. but it twas funny funny and i laughed pretty hard. thankyou sir for making me laugh :)
This morning i woke up with things on my mind that i didnt want to be thinking about. I decided after waking up sad that i would do everything in my power to switch that emotion and put everything i had into my day. And i must say... i had the best teaching day ever! i gave 100% to my lessons, and iv never seen the kids so excited and enthusiastic! somehow those children took every negative feeling i had in me and made me so happy and forget all about my worries in life. After teaching Anna, April and I rode our bikes to our new favorite discovery. mmmmm JIAOZI! aka: dumplinnnnnnnggsss. i love my dumps. you get about 10 dumplings for less than 1 american dollar. china rocks my world.
{dave and lucy loved the kites we made}
This afternoon we had chinese lessons with Freda, which we have twice a week. wow chinese is a hard language. i cant believe how con-freaking-fusing it is at times, and all the different meanings one word will have.but were making progress! were remembering little phrases and words, and have some basics down. sometimes we just blurt out random things we remember to people who try and talk to us. gives us a giggle errryytime.
my favorite sentence to say is "ni chi fan le ma" which means "have you had lunch today". hahah random yeah? the tones of it is just really fun.
my favorite sentence to say is "ni chi fan le ma" which means "have you had lunch today". hahah random yeah? the tones of it is just really fun.
after our lessons we decorated our classrooms some more. were decorating for halloween! they dont celebrate halloween here so they are all very interested in all the decorations. they are worried they might scare the kids. tee hee
{annas lollipop ghost she made}

we had our usual dinner with the teachers tonight. so many of the dishes are questionable, and really i have no idea what im eating. but i must say most the time its pretty delicious! ive never eaten so much rice and vegetables in my life. i pretty much stay away from the meat. but tonight they made COKE chicken. mmm it was the best.
im learning quickly how much your attitude can effect everything. i could have had a really awful day. and of course i still have things lingering in my mind, and get moments of not being able to push those back ... but im working on really embracing everything thats in my life and having a good attitude about my future
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