April getting on hers. This is typical for everyone to surround us white people.. their so intrigued by how we look, talk, walk, smell... its really funny and sometimes gets annoying :0)

On our way home we snatched up some chinese face masks and decided to make a girls night. Our coordinator Freda came over and we made her put on a mask too while we watched Tangled and ate cookies and popcorn. The face masks were pretty frightful so those pictures are being kept to myself. Freda is so adorable. She reminds me of a little girls with her fluffy pink dresses, frilly shoes and bows, and her excitement for cartoons. She makes cute little noises during exciting, scary, intense, happy or sad parts of the movie, bah I love her. Good thing we have so many good Disney movies to introduce to her!
Ive never had my hair so straight in my life, they slicked our hair pin straight. But whatever, my hair hasnt felt that clean since Hong Kong. hmmmmm... this may have to be a weekly thing.
Saturday was the best! Little China secret: You can get your back/neck/shoulders/arms/head massaged, hair washed and styled for about 3 US dollars! whhhaaa? Im in the best place on earth. It was heaven. Of course we got giggled at a lot by the workers there..
We got our massages and hair wash by the girls who work there, and then the men do the styling! OF COURSE, look at em. They are stylin mojos.
{after our 2 hour pampering}
For lunch we were invited by one of our students families to a barbecue. They have such an adorable little home, with a cute little backyard. Im not sure why I was expecting familiar food. I heard "barbecue" and my mind instantly went to steak...chicken...burgers....
umm lets just say i was wrong.
::A few pictures::
{This is our meat. That we put on sticks to cook in the fire.}

{Tonys Family}
After our barbecue we took a bus to shiqi where we have some ILP friends. We spent the night there so that Sunday morning we wouldnt have to wake up AS early. Sleepover= childish behavior. Im sorry April for the pranks. But you were snoring.. and we couldnt sleep! Again, so much giggling.
We had to be up at the bus stop at 7am for our 2 hour bus ride to church! We went to a little branch of about 20 people, so as you can imagine, having 40 of us there was kinda a big deal. They were so nice and welcoming to us, and had a linger longer full of delicious foods. We didnt realize how much we missed lasagna, salad, pasta, and cookies. and more cookies.
cookies. mmmmm
{The little branch building}

Okay... this is the married couple at the kayene school sleeping on the bus. Arent they just adorable? Im coming back with my husband. That wont be negotiated.
Im back in my little village now. And I already miss normal cookies, and cheese. Oh dear.
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